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A beautiful array of maple trees shine their green leaves against sunshine while the darker needles of fir trees hang overhead.

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You’re now invited along my journey exploring soulful travel to awaken your intuition. Let me help you deepen your relationship with the Natural World in ways that can transform your life. Expect regular emails (but not too many) from me about the rich intersection of travel, nature, and spirit.

I’m happy you’re here. Use the code: KWAwaken2023 for $50 off planning services & guided experiences.

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It’s my passion to help you connect to travel, nature, and spirit in the Pacific Northwest.

If you’re new to my website, here are four areas to get you started. Nature and meaningful moments are always top of mind when I create content — rest assured, they are recommendations from the heart.

Are you new to the Pacific Northwest?

People move here for the clean air and beautiful scenery but don’t always know how to connect. This article is a great starter kit, full of easy ideas.

Elevate your nature connection.

I’ve spent my whole life in nature and know how to help you deepen your relationship with the Natural World. Look for articles about how and where to do this.

Pacific Northwest destinations.

Genuine local recommendations: Seattle (including beautiful parks and gardens), Olympic Peninsula, Oregon Coast, Eastern Oregon, and mountains.

Planning help — maps, lodging, transportation.

Thoughtful information on how to get around and favorite places to stay. Helpful knowledge about ferries, trains, planes, and some epic road trips.

But I offer much more than great inspiration content about travel, nature, and spirit.

Much more than forest bathing, my guided nature-forward immersions offer unique opportunities to safely go into an “altered state” within the realm of the Natural World — in ways that can transform your daily life.

If you’d like to learn and practice ways to enter nature with intention — that will impact daily life — I’m here to help. This experience is for you if you’re curious and willing to step toward deepening your relationship with the Natural World and yourself.

What is an “altered state,” and why is it essential for nature immersion?

Communing with nature has abundant rewards that humans sense on a primal level. For example, the marvel of sunset seems to cast a “spell,” if only fleeting, of understanding we’re interdependent with something more significant. This “spell” could also be considered an altered state. Think of it as advanced intuition.

Advanced intuition in the organic world allows you to see yourself in more precise and fulfilling ways — leading to a feeling of belonging, healing, and transformation.

A growing body of research points to the beneficial effects of exposure to the natural world on health, reducing stress, and promoting healing. Some studies further clarify that immersive outdoor experiences are essential to produce lasting benefits such as lower blood pressure, higher concentration, and improved mental health.

Imagine that nature exists in frequencies from 1-5, and most of society lives in a frequency between 5-10, where “10” is “frenetic.” So if you’re living at an “8,” to get to a nature-forward connection, you need to find ways to lower the frequency — by increasing grounding & staying present — to reach “5,” which is just on the overlap with nature.

Now, if you want to go even deeper into the magical places of healing nature spirits, it might require lowering to a “3” in frequency. Deepening into an altered state can help you sustain these lower frequencies. To do this, steps like intention, reaching out to the land, removing distractions, going slow, and paying attention will reliably and safely help you get there.

Once you’ve reached level “3,” for this example, it is also crucial to softly return to daily life. For this reason, reflecting afterward is an essential tool for softer re-entry because it allows you to integrate healing and well-being into the daily version of your life. So your new normal might be level “6.”

I use my mystic gifts developed over a lifetime to guide you to slow down your brain enough to access nature’s intelligence at a slow frequency.

My nature immersion experiences are about learning and practicing the steps to safely and reliably enter an altered state in nature — where healing and well-being lead to transformation in your life — no matter the place or time.

How can entering an altered state in the Natural World help you?

Mindfulness in nature makes all the difference in your ability to experience healing and well-being. Here are four practical outcomes:

Relaxation and Calm

Do you live a fast-paced life and never seem to be able to slow down? Is it hard for you to detach from daily life demands?

Mindful walking in organic elements quickly brings about calming endorphins.

A new look at nature

Is it a struggle to connect with your natural environment? Do you only see nature through the lens of social media?

Learning how to pay attention opens up a new world, inviting balance and restoration.

Get back down to earth.

Do you feel helpless with so many stressful current events? Are vices overutilized in your life?

The Natural World gives you a reliable grounding source, improving well-being.

Healing work

Have you hit a wall with life events, and it feels like there is no way to move on?

Even a few minutes of quiet meditation in nature nudges you forward in your healing work.

Mystic developed, tested, and approved!

These nature immersion experiences were developed over my lifetime, guiding myself and others through nature. I used to think everyone saw the same magical things I did in the organic world — but they don’t. We are all built differently, and I feel a calling to help others see the Natural World in the transformative ways I’ve known since I was six.

The curriculum of my nature walks is much more than forest bathing. I incorporate six fundamentals toward elevating your nature connection into the experience — which safely and reliably helps you ease into an altered state. They are:

  1. Have intention
  2. Reach out to the land
  3. Keep present
  4. Slow down… and then go slower
  5. Pay attention
  6. Reflect afterward

In-person work helping people connect via guided nature immersions has opened my eyes to the immense healing potential in this process. While every walk is different and outcomes are always fluid based on the individual, these six steps remain constant and powerful, safely and reliably leading people to an altered state that begets deeper self-realization.

The results are robust and unique to each person.

I’m glad you’re here, and I look forward to our experience together, walking in the organic world toward healing and well-being.

Let me be your bridge to connect to nature’s healing powers and transformation.

See what they’re saying.

Healing and wellness abound. Take it from these recent testimonials.

Nature Heals. So grateful I experienced the Mystic Nature walk curated by Matthew Kessi. Gift yourself the experience. 

Dan P

I was thrilled to finally get the opportunity to enjoy Matthew’s Mystic Nature Experience. We met in the Arboretum. Matthew welcomed us with a warm smile and then provided an overview of what we could expect during the tour. As he shared the details, I could tell just how passionate he is about our natural world and all it holds. The time was divided into three parts; sight, listening, and touch. My favorite part of the tour was the listening practice. I was in awe of all the subtle and delicate sounds around us. This tour was a fantastic opportunity to be reminded of the beauty surrounding us. And that it’s important to take moments to pause and appreciate all that natural beauty. I highly recommend this experience!!  

Michael W

My family and I walked the Arboretum with Matthew in February.  We each had our journey, yet we became closer to one another and dear Mother Nature.  

Susan Z

I came to Matthew’s mystic nature hike on the heels of stressful events, and the experience was transformative! Walking through the trees and relaxing with the natural world around me melted away my concerns, and I emerged joyful. Thank you so much!


As I started my Mystic Nature Experience, I carried the obligations of my work and the responsibilities of being a mother, wife, and daughter; they were heavy. There was skepticism; how would I be able to let it all go and connect with nature? There was a shedding with every step, and soon I understood what Matthew meant by “talking to trees.” I am now practicing how to ground myself using nature when feeling overwhelmed. The reconnection between my soul and nature strengthens, allowing me to breathe.

Catherine C

Walking in the woods with Matthew gave me a deep sense of well-being and healing. Being lovingly guided in a new way of interacting with nature was a wonderful treat for this life-long nature lover. I recommend leaving your expectations in the car and exploring what messages Mother Nature has for you.

David B

The experience Matthew created on our walk was extraordinary. Matthew helped deepen my level of presence and attunement to nature. He didn’t know it then, but his guidance helped me gain insights about some challenges in life. Toward the end of the walk, I noticed I was moving more freely in my body. I highly recommend a Mystic Nature Experience with Matthew.

Scot Rion

Interested in this unique nature experience but still need to figure it out?

No problem.

I want you to feel comfortable joining me on a nature immersion experience. Let’s chat via Facetime or Zoom. Or, if you want more information, click the links to take you to my programs.

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